Milk or Coconut Kefir
15 minutes
3 days
*Things to consider with Kefir Fermentation
Ideal temperature is 18-23 degrees. If it is too hot then it is advised to move them to a cooler area.
No frequent fluctuations in temperatures
Do not use metal on the grains or let grains touch metal
If you are going away on vacation. Put in fresh milk right before you go and place in the fridge. Wake them up by doing a couple of batches when you get home. IF you are going away for an extended period of time, reach out and we can talk about options.
I always “wash” my kefir grains in Milk every second time I ferment. Some only ever do Coconut kefir, which you can do. Please be aware however that your grains may not grow as much as you would like.
I give my Milk kefir to clients who drink milk and to my dog. Animals love it and it is very healthy for them.
When you let the Milk kefir ferment for 2-3 days, it almost entirely eliminates the lactose. This helps to eliminate almost entirely any reactions for those who react to dairy. This is why “washing” them in Dairy milk will not typically cause a reaction to those with sensitives.
As your Kefir Grains grow, they will need to be divided into other jars for gifts to others. If you accumulate too many grains in one jar, they will not have enough food to feed them all and they will not produce the high quality Kefir that you will be used to. Keep an eye on the grains and when you have more than 2 tablespoons split them. I typically try to keep it to about 1.5 tablespoons approx. to one Mason jar.
When your grains are growing babies, the babies are really small (think the size of your fingernail), so make sure you fish around in the bowl to ensure you have them all.
Milk Kefir
Place grains in mason Jar (1 litre preferably)
Pour 3.25 % full fat milk up as high as lip (Organic preferred)
2-3 days let ferment on the counter in an optimal room temperature environment.
When ready to change out-pour Jar into the glass bowl. Wash hands and pick out grains or use a wooden spoon.
Place grains in a clean mason jar and add fresh milk. Place doubled over cheese cloth over opening and hold in place with elastic.
Pour Kefir (what was left after removing grains) in a container and place in the fridge. Eat as desired.
Start slowly with 2-3 tablespoons a day to start then gradually increase to 1/4-1/2 cup etc.
Coconut Kefir
*Please see above for Kefir considerations as this is the same for Coconut Kefir.
*Side-note-You need to add sugar to Coconut milk to establish enough Carbs. The Carbs feed the grains and this helps in the fermentation process.
Place grains in a Mason Jar (1 litre preferably)
In a bowl mix up Canned Organic Coconut Milk and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. (Use real sugar-not coconut sugar-don’t worry this just feeds the grains) Ensure that it is mixed well and all combined.
Pour on top of grains that were placed in Mason Jar
Cover with Cheese cloth (doubled over) and secure with elastic
Let ferment for 2-3 days at appropriate temperature
As with Milk kefir, Pour mason jar in glass bowl and fish out the grains to place in a clean jar.
Take remaining Coconut Kefir and place in the fridge
Add Milk to grains and cover with cheese cloth. Place to ferment again.