Seed Cycling And The New Moon
How many of you ladies have a regular Menstruation cycle? How many of you even know what is considered a regular cycle? How long should your cycle last? When you ovulate? What does your blood look like during your cycle? Do you cycle with the moon? Even for those who have had hysterectomy’s, did you know that your body still feels like it needs to have a moon time? Even for those who are going through or have gone through Menopause, your body can still be aligned with moon time.
We are often raised to not talk openly about our moon cycles. We are taught to shush and whisper when speaking. We quietly pass around tampons, pads and discuss our feelings of PMS as if there is something drastically wrong with us. It is a shame. A shame that we were taught to hide, to whisper, to look upon our body’s as broken. I often think about what that impact had and has on women and men.
I talk openly with my oldest about women’s and men’s body’s and how magical and powerful they are. He asks questions and looks at books about human anatomy. There is no shame in our bodies or how they function, in fact that are miraculous. We are miracles when you truly think about it.
Whether it be fertility, PMS, or even constipation, your body is talking to you. The language it uses is non-verbal but it is providing you with communication all the same. Just as with your Moon Cycle, Period, Menstruation, Aunt Flo….whatever you want to call it, though I encourage you to choose a fierce or connective name and put aside any embarrassment that you may have been taught.
If we keep this in mind and consider the health of our bodies provide clues, then your menstruation will be a firecracker of information for you! Your period should align with the Moon cycle in that the Moon cycle is 29.5 days long and your Moon cycle should be anywhere from 28-30 days as well.
Day 1 of your cycle would begin on the New Moon and Ovulation would happen on Day 14 (or the Full moon). Some women are reversed and it can cause some issues, so switching may be necessary.
*SIDE NOTE-If you google, many articles will tell you that this is not the case and a bunch of malarky, they conducted a loose study and provided their interpretation of the results. My issue with this “study” is that they did not take into consideration any of the concerns that cause us to have issues with our monthly cycle to begin with! No consideration as to hormonal imbalances or irregular cycles were considered or interpreted on a case by case basis.
*This is only one of my main issues with this most recent interpretation. I can tell you on a personal note that it works, as can many of my clients and friends, so interpretation aside, opinions matter.
What does this all have to do with Seeds Jenn??? Glad you asked! Seeds are known to have hormone producing qualities, so much so, that they can boost fertility, help to balance hormones and assist issues with menopause!
In particular, we will look at the following;
Flax Seed and Pumpkin Seeds (Follicular Phase)-During the first half of your cycle, we want to boost Estrogen in the body. Both Ground Flax and Pumpkin seeds are shown to contain Estrogen promoting properties (Phytoestrogens)(pumpkin seeds are known for zinc which helps progesterone, but it is a balancing game as your body still produces all hormones). Days -1-14 we consume 1-2 tablespoons a day to encourage Estrogen (eggs in ovaries ripen-or body believes eggs ripen for those who do not get their monthly cycle)
Sesame Seeds and Sunflower Seeds (Luteal Phase)-During the second half of your cycle, we boost Progesterone in the body (Polyphenols and Vitamin E). At this time, LH and FSH increase in the body just before Ovulation (typically around day 13, 14, 15, 16) and estrogen levels drop as Progesterone increases.
Days 15-29 (28 for some). If your cycle starts on day 28, then start again with flax seed and pumpkin seeds. If you haven’t started then on day 29 start with flax and pumpkin seeds.
That’s it! Super simple and inexpensive way to help your body come into alignment for overall health!
If you want to learn more about Moon health and what is considered a healthy period, reach out! Working towards everyone getting empowered is what Soul Monkey Wellness is all about.