

I wrote this post when we were struggling with forest fires here in Alberta/BC.

It is relevant now with COVID19, so felt compelled to repost for those interested. 

With all this smoke out here in the west, I wanted to remind everyone of some great herbs, supplements and ideas that will keep you feeling good.

The Lungs are much more powerful then most may consider. We all know that they are used for breathing (inhale), but how many of you considered the exhale? In the average human, the lungs are responsible for upwards of 20,000 breaths a day. What this breath looks like and how this breath is utilized will be saved for another blog on breath work.

Primarily your lungs bring in healthy air (oxygen) and remove toxins (carbon dioxide) out of your body. They also trap toxins and other waste materials, fight off infections and pathogens, and keep airways clear. They are living organs that require as much attention as the liver or kidneys. When we review all the pollution, chemicals, additives and smoke that our lungs are exposed to daily, it is not surprising that they need support and may become susceptible during peak times of the year.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is important to consider that the Lungs are paired with the Large Intestine’s. They are responsible for letting go of what is not serving you. This is considered emotions, or physically with previously mentioned toxins. The Lungs (Yin) and Large Intestine (Yang) house grief and sadness in the body. If you find that you are emotional and having a difficult time moving through grief, these organs should be considered. The Lungs are also responsible for the activation of Qi (energy), Blood and Body Fluid from the Spleen and Stomach Qi (energy). While the Large Intestines are responsible for removing substances the body no longer needs on a physical level. It also does this on an emotional level as noted. People with large intestine imbalances can be found to hold onto old things, feel regret, are rigid, seek perfectionism and think that no one and nothing is good enough. At times of intense emotions, bowel movements can become irregular resulting in constipation or diarrhea. To bring about balance again, one should look at what is happening emotionally in your life. Using tools such as hypnotherapy, logosynthesis, meditation, yoga and counselling may be helpful.

So what kinds of things can we bring into our toolbox that can assist in prevention and recovery?

Herbs! I particularly like Elecampane, Mullein, Lungwort, Thyme, peppermint, marshmallow root And Plantain. As with anything please consult a herbalist or health care practitioner to ensure that there are no known contraindications before adding to your health regime.

Some supplements and medicinal Mushrooms that are particularly helpful are ;

-NAC, Vit E, CoQ10, Vit C, Vit B6, 

– Cordyceps, Astragalus, Chaga, Reishi

Believe it or not— breathe!! (During smoke season) Inside in a well filtered area.. most malls, government buildings, gyms, stores have good ventilation and are well filtered. Of course when there is not any smoke in the air, get outside the city and breath big belly breaths to exercise your lungs. You can also purchase an Air circulation product. I use a Dyson Air system in my office and in different rooms in my house. They come in different sizes and are high effective in cleaning the air.

Exercise! – move your body with yoga, meditation, walking indoors/outdoors, indoor/outdoor rock climbing, skateboard, bike, workout and lift weight. All can be done inside or outside.

Get an adjustment with Orthobionomy, Chiropractic care, Osteopath, or Acupuncture. By aligning your organs and subsequent connective tissue, you are not only assisting in helping to purge toxins, but you are also assisting your organs (including your lungs) in operating more effective and efficiently.

Cell salts-These are powerful at a cellular level and work wonders despite them taking some time to show externally. 

*Calcium Sulphate

*Kalium Muriaticum ( Potassium Chloride)

*Kalium Phosphate (Potassium Sulphate)

*Ferrum Phosphate ( Iron Phosphate)

Lastly.. food choices! Choose foods that are high in antioxidants ..such as Vit A, Vit E, Vit C … and healthy fats! .. so eat less of the carbs like breads, sugary sweets, refined carbs and sugary drinks.. Eat real food to fuel your body.. Eat your veggies, good quality protein, healthy fats and healthy small portions of carbs!




Your Teeth